1. A Snowy Look: If you get real snow, that's great! If you don't, use the fake snow that is used for themed snow parks. It is easily available in craft stores and using only a little amount gives you a lot of snow to use.
2. The fountain is beautifully used as a focal point of the decoration by using large-sized baubles and decorations. These are typically the decorations used by shops to create their displays and are available in wholesale stores.
3. White lights are used throughout to give that classic 'Jack Frost' look. Hanging from the patio ceiling edge, the lights give an illusion of long icicles.
4. Silver decorations complement the white lights to create a 'winter' look.
5. Despite the cold, wintery look of the decoration, the wreaths and the large ornaments in the fountain add Christmas cheer to the scene.
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